Our Essential Beliefs
Essential Teachings
  • The Authority of Scripture

The Bible is God's Word, His revelation of Himself to us. It is God's truth without any mixture of error, our source of doctrine, and only final authority.

  • God the Trinity

There is one God who is three persons (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit), each of whom is fully and equally God. God is the Creator and Sustainer of all things and all things exist and work for His glory.

  • The Deity, Virgin Birth, and Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Jesus is God the Son, He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born fully human of the virgin Mary (and remained still fully God), and He really rose from the dead on the third day following His death on the cross.

  • Salvation by Grace, Through Faith (Not Works)

All people are sinners separated from God and in need of salvation. Salvation is the free gift of God, by His grace through the completed work of Christ. Jesus lived a faithful, sinless life, and died on the cross in our place and as the complete payment for our sins. Salvation is through faith and repentance for all who trust in God's grace through Christ. There is nothing man can do to earn salvation.

  • The Second Coming of Christ, Eternal Judgment, and Reward

Jesus will return personally for His followers. All who have trusted in Him will receive the reward of Heaven and eternal relationship with God; all who have not will receive the right judgment for their sins, which is the eternal punishment of Hell.

Essential Practice
  • Missional Relational Discipleship

Everyone who has received God's grace is called to be an ambassador of God's grace, joining Him on His mission to show His truth and love to the world. God has gifted, placed, and called each of us where we are (and even unto the ends of the world) to, in relationship with others, make disciples of all peoples.

Essential Directives
  • Perseverance of the Saints

Because our salvation belongs to God, it cannot be lost. The power of God calls true believers to repentance when they are saved and as they continue to walk with Christ.

  • Baptism and The Lord's Supper

Baptism is for believers, by immersion, and is a symbol and profession of our faith. The Lord's Supper is for believers and a symbol and reminder of God's grace through Christ's work on the cross.

  • Biblical Leadership and Covenant Community

Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church. He calls "under-shepherds" that the Bible also calls pastors or elders to be responsible for the governing and shepherding of the church and the preaching, teaching, and equipping ministries of the church. They in turn entrust responsibility to other faithful leaders and the whole church is equipped to mature into Christ and do the work of His mission. We do this in the fellowship of life and community together.